Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Reflecting on Space: Using Mirrors to Amplify Your Home

    Reflecting on Space: Using Mirrors to Amplify Your Home

    Hello there, fellow ethical spenders! I’m Susan Thompson, and I’ve been on quite the journey in the past four years, exploring various ways to spend our hard-earned dollars responsibly and with a sprinkle of creativity. Today, I’m here to introduce you to a somewhat unconventional but fascinating idea – using mirrors to amplify space in…

  • Incorporating Greenery Without Breaking the Bank

    Hello there, fellow thrifty environmental enthusiasts! It’s me, Jane Greenbloom, your trusty guide to all things eco-friendly on a budget. For the past four years, I’ve been on a mission to uncover the secrets of ethical spending without burning a hole in your pocket. And today, I’m here to reveal how you can bring a…

  • Illuminate Your Space on a Budget: Brilliant Lighting Ideas

    Hello there, fellow budget-savvy decorators! I’m Lisa Anderson, and I’ve been on a quest for ethical spending for years. Today, I’m excited to shed some light on budget-friendly lighting ideas that will not only brighten up your space but also put a little extra cash back in your pocket. So, let’s dive into the world…

  • Perk Up Your Living Room with a DIY Coffee Table Makeover

    Hello, dear readers! I’m Nancy Summers, and I’ve been sharing my adventures in ethical spending for over four years now. Today, I’m excited to take you on a journey into the world of DIY furniture transformations. Are you ready to breathe new life into your living room? Well, it’s time for a “DIY Coffee Table…

  • Revamping Old Furniture: Tips and Tricks

    Hey there, fellow furniture enthusiasts and ethical spenders! I’m Sarah Smith, and I’ve been sharing my thoughts on sustainable living for the past four years. Today, I’m excited to dive into the world of furniture revamping, an art that not only breathes new life into your old pieces but also lets you flex your creative…

  • The Power of Rugs: Transforming Living Spaces Economically

    Hello, fellow ethical spenders! I’m Susan Taylor, your friendly neighborhood blogger on a quest to uncover the most wallet-friendly and stylish ways to spruce up our living spaces. If you’re like me, you’ve probably pondered how to breathe new life into your home without breaking the bank. Well, today, we’re going to explore the underestimated…

  • The Art of Ethical Spending: Low-Cost Throw Pillows and Covers

    Hello, lovely readers! I’m Karen Wilson, your go-to gal for ethical spending advice and lifestyle tips. For four years now, I’ve been dishing out some of the quirkiest and most relatable advice on how to make wise choices without breaking the bank or the planet. Today, we’re diving into the world of low-cost throw pillows…

  • Elevate Your Living Space: DIY Wall Art Ideas for a Stylish and Ethical Home

    Hello there, fellow conscious consumers and art enthusiasts! I’m Emma Green, and for the past four years, I’ve been sharing tips and tricks on ethical spending in your home. Today, I’m excited to delve into a creative topic that not only adds character to your living space but does so while respecting your ethical values.…

  • Thrifty Chic: Incorporating Thrift Store Finds into Your Living Room

    Hello there, fellow budget-savvy décor enthusiasts! I’m Lisa Mitchell, your trusty guide to all things ethical spending. For the past four years, my journey through the world of thrifting has been nothing short of an adventure. Today, we’re going to embark on a thrilling expedition through the aisles of thrift stores and discover the treasure…

  • Maximizing Small Living Spaces on a Budget

    Hello there, savvy space-savers! I’m Lisa Anderson, and today, I’m diving deep into the art of making the most of small living spaces without breaking the bank. As a long-time advocate for ethical spending and sustainable living, I’m excited to share my favorite tips and tricks with you. We’ll explore how to transform even the…

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